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A very special post by my celebrity guest blogger Cameron Power.

Everyone knows that chefs are angry people. They are self absorbed, self-centred, sadistic, narcissistic bastards who thrive on heaping their shit onto other people’s plates whilst mentally assaulting anybody who comes within earshot of their verbal tirades.  basically they are mean-spirited, spiteful and vicious, and that’s on a good day.

As someone who has been a chef for the last decade , from lowly dishwasher, to shit-kicking apprentice, to the highs of an executive chef, I have experienced enough of this career to feel qualified to ask, Why would anybody, and I mean anybody, choose this as a profession? Long hours, shocking pay, the mind numbing routine of sweating, bleeding and being degraded, and all for seemingly nothing. You get home and sleep for two hours before you have to wash and iron your uniform, sharpen your knives and polish your faded boots. Then it’s time to start your wholesomely fun day again.

Anyone who cooks knows that this is a way of life, this is what we chose to do. A career that is based on how hard you work, how much you can drink, how any insults you can fling and how much stress you can endure.  Do it without stabbing someone with a bread knife and you’re home and hosed.

There was one problem that we didn’t count on when we embarked on this gastronomic journey,  through all of the bravado and bullshit we went through, years of cut fingers, apprenticeships and bullying head chefs this problem kept popping up, that problem? It’s you! That’s right! You, the general public. If we are spiteful narcissists then god only knows what category you bastards fall into.You are the reason that chefs in general are so angry. Wanna know why?

Chef’s are passionate about food. It’s their pride and joy, it’s their lively hood. It’s what keeps them motivated, it dictates their lives. Yes, chef’s are passionate about food… Not people! We cook for our pride, we cook for ourselves, and we cook for the money. Not for you!

Since the days of open kitchens, our lives have gotten steadily worse. Gone are the days when you could throw pans around, and swear and belittle the waiting staff, Oh no no no! In this p.c. World gone mad you can’t even call someone an idiot without getting sued, even if they are medically proven to be an idiot.

Open Kitchens seem to give people the right and authority to say whatever they please to you, good and loud. Not a day goes by without some Master Chef devotee wandering past me and offering some “helpful” advice. It seems now that the wall has fallen people have a new god given right to tell us how to do our jobs. They stand there shouting things like:

  1. “Hey Chef, that grill looks a little high!”
  2. “Where is the bathroom?”
  3. “Hey man, make sure my steak is a good one!”
  4. “I want my food hot, like… real hot.

Suggestions noted dear customer, here are my responses:

  1. “Really, well I’ll just turn it up a bit more, like a lot more. Because it’s my grill and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
  2. “You chose to ignore the signs, the wait-staff and the manager to come and interrupt my work to ask me that question? For you, the toilet is across the road in that junkie toilet block.”
  3. “Oh your steak! I’ll just assume it’s the one in the front with the most fat on it. Now I’m going to slightly burn the edges and flip it too many times just to make you feel special.
  4. “Lucky you told me, I planned to pull it out of the fridge, plate it up, put parsley on and serve it up in the hopes that you’d get salmonella, or mad cow disease, or preferably both.

Don’t bother the chefs while they are working!

Here are some of my other favourite stupid questions that get thrown our way at the most inopportune times. Picture this, You’re in a busy kitchen everybody is running around, screaming orders, dinging bells and cursing and suddenly you hear some genius asking something like

“Do you have steak?” Yes we do.

“Do you have chicken?” Yes we do.

“Do you have pastas?” Yes we do.

“What if I just want a salad? Do you have that?” Yes we do.

“You know what? Maybe I’ll just have fries. Do you have that?” Yes, we do.

“Oh I don’t know, what else do you have?”

Well, we have… A fucking menu!

It gets worse, indecisiveness is nothing compared to pure stupidity. Just when we think we have successfully palmed you off onto the wait staff you decide to up the ante a little bit. Here are some more gems I hear on a daily basis:

“Does the vegetarian nachos have beef in it?”

“How is the grilled salmon cooked?”

“I want it cooked rare, but I don’t want it to be bloody.”

The new emerging trend of irritating customers are the vegans and allergy type people, it seems like every “Steve intolerant” and “Jenny  coeliac” has chosen to wander into my humble establishment to bother me with their insane requests:

“I’m a vegan, has your grill ever touched meat?”

“Do you batter your fish with flour?”

“I’m allergic to salt”

“I don’t eat animals, I’ll just have the fish.”

It takes at least 4 years for us to be qualified, it takes nurses around the same time, and yet you trust these people with your lives and you don’t even trust us with your food?

I could go on forever, rattling off various enraging stories, but to be honest, I’m getting angry just writing this. It brings back hateful memories and makes me feel like taking my carving knife to the nearest gluten-free, pasta eating hypocrite I can find.

So, why am I still a Chef? Like I said, Chefs love food, I love food! I just don’t like you!

Comments on: "“I Want It Rare, But Not Bloody.” Why Chefs Are So Angry…" (18)

  1. Benny boy said:

    Lmao… Love it mate, love it.
    No one will ever understand the true mental state of a chef, we are a breed of our own & long may it be that way..

  2. Eric aka frenchy said:

    Can i have the octopuss salad without the octopuss?
    Can i have the number 3 with the garnish of the 14 and the sauce of the 6? “so u want the number 4!”
    and the good all, i want my tartare medium please. yes and how do u like ure cevice?
    keep on cooking people, one day we will open the old school restaurant where u can kick the ass of the apprentice and tell the custumers what the fuck they gona eat! actually just come work in Paris!

  3. “Really, well I’ll just turn it up a bit more, like a lot more. Because it’s my grill and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”

    nice one cam..thts the way.


  5. Finally someone who understands.

  6. darcie friesen hossack said:

    Reblogged this on nice fat gurdie and commented:
    Reblogging in honour of Chefhusband, longsuffering lover of food.

  7. This kind of tirade is an embarrassment. You chose a shitty job and a shitty life, no one made you do that. Get some therapy and change professions and stop taking it out on everyone around you. You’re supposed to be the leader of a team, not some depressive, self-pitying, self-entitled prick. You’re supposed to be someone to look up to and emulate. You deserve sympathy and empathy, yes, we all do. People aren’t asking you dumb questions because they want to hurt you, they need your help. Quit being a 40-year-old baby and act like a responsible human being.

  8. This kind of tirade is awesome. It’s an outlet for people who bridge the old-world of ‘closed’ cookery and the “open-planned” kitchens of trendy modern times.
    The life a chef chooses when choosing the heat of the kitchen is not an easy one. Chefs are, part restaurateur, part team-leader, part therapist, all food-enthusiasts.
    Amateur cooks, home-makers, and the general public stand in awe of their hard-won abilities in front of the stove. Yet those who cannot stand the heat unknowingly strive to drive them from the kitchen.
    Chefs are people we look up to in an effort to emulate their talents. They deserve empathy and sympathy if necessary–as do we all.
    People asking chefs dumb questions don’t understand they are hurting the table service.They need help in knowing and deciding what to eat, which is why competent wait-staff help considerably in the quest for the perfect service.
    Diners acting like responsible human beings don’t bother someone working under time pressure to perform to exacting standards.
    This would be like family members asking a surgeon making micro-sutures in the tendons of their injured loved one’s hand; “Will they be able to play the violin afterwards?”
    “There may be some loss of fine motor skill, especially if I am continuously interrupted…”
    “Are you sure you can’t make sure they can? We don’t way to pay for lessons…”

    And therein lies the crux of the problem. People who won’t pay for their own cooking lessons believe it their right to irritate chefs into providing meals precisely tailored to their tastes. Restaurants are about providing a “gastronomic experience” (imprecisely tailored to suit as many people as possibly inside their target demographic for the business).
    This problem stems from people not having a good enough understanding about what a restaurant’s service IS. So, because they are paying money, they think it fine to act like spoiled children instead of customers. This ignorance results in their treating chefs as if they were doting parents, not skilled professionals providing a service.

  9. Very true indeed but funny at the same time!
    Some people just like to ask stupid question!

  10. Ngaire Booth said:

    Hilarious, despite the tongue in cheek nature of this rant it rings so true. After 14 years of cheffing I escaped into another field. I still enjoy cooking (I was pastry) but now I do it for love…..a litle empathy for the madman juggling pots, pans, commis and customers please people! Also I’ve found that a judicious word of praise on exiting the restaurant after a great meal never goes amiss…try it sometime to see the chef smile. 🙂

  11. The science of cookery is an art, from of a noble profession with a rich history and long tradition
    Professional pride extends to personal behaviour in and around the operation, family friends and the community at large.
    It is our duty of care to build positive and productive working relationships with stake holders, customers, peers, subordinates, the trainee and novice; and encouraging this behaviour in others.

    Professional chefs display poise and self assurance; demonstrate emotional stability and humility are calm, confident and dependable. We as professional chefs also demonstrate honesty, reliability, ethics, professionalism, whilst demonstrating consistency between words and behaviour.
    At times firm but always fair.

  12. Chef to you! said:

    Hey Joseph S.. Fuck Off

  13. From the mum of a chef –
    This post is “food and drink” to me. Would you like to come for tea? x

  14. Ashish Petwal said:

    Luvd it ! Mate ! … Luvd It ! …. How true it is ! … Thanks a lot for revealing the true feelings on behalf of the Chefs !

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